Vacuum Coater-TFDS-141


The TFDS-141 is a compact high vacuum coater for medium scale production of Thin Film Coated samples. Designed for pilot and medium size production, offers the best value to cost ratio. Exceptional flexibility and the wide range of components available, allows the perfect fit of the system to the researcher needs. Most of the known deposition sources such as thermal evaporation, electron beam, ion beam, can be easy integrated.


  • Two E.B. Guns designed for optical coatings or metal coatings
  • Fast cycling to enable several runs per day with dry and wet high vacuum pumping setups according to process requirements
  • Optional load lock, to avoid opening the chamber to air
  • Protective liners, easy removable for cleaning purpose
  • Fully automated with PLC/PC control
  • Human friendly engineering offers safe operation fully protected against operator errors
  • Several levels of security are used to differentiate operators, engineers, or service users
  • Remote Internet Support (RIS) for service, software update, training
  • Data logger for all analog data
  • The recorded data can be review online/ offline as required
  • Turbo or cryo pumping with oil or dry roughing pump