IMG 8019

TFDS-462 Thin film deposition systems

The TFDS-462 Thin film deposition systems series are designed to offer best value to cost ratio. The exceptional flexibility and the wide range of components available allows the perfect fit of the system to the researcher needs.

Most of the known deposition sources such as thermal evaporation, LTE, electron-beam, ion-beam and sputtering can be easy integrated into this system. Mid-size chamber volume allows fast cycling to enable several runs per day with dry and wet pumping system according to the process requirements. For even faster and cleaner cycling the system comes with load lock, to avoid opening the chamber to air.

The D-shape process chamber is equipped with protective liners, easily removable for cleaning purpose. The PC/PLC control system is fully automated, and support unlimited number of recipes, as well as automatic recording and data logger. Remote-support and software-upgrades are supported if applicable.

The human friendly engineering offers safe-operation, fully protected against operator errors. Several levels of security are used to differentiate operator, process-engineer, and service stuff.