Providing Premium Glovebox and Vacuum Systems,
Along with best in market after sales service

Discover the world of our exceptional clientele as we proudly extend our reach to over 50 customers across the globe. From visionary startups to revered household brands, our dedication knows no bounds. Regardless of our customers’ level of establishment, we wholeheartedly invest our time and effort, recognizing that monumental achievements often emerge from the most modest origins.



Lubbe is an authorized agent for VST, we pride ourselves in the level of service we offer and continued after sales support on all these products .

Between VST and Lubbe, there are numerous custom solutions tailored to meet a wide range of needs. Due to the extensive nature of our offerings, it is difficult to provide an exhaustive list within this context. However, we invite you to visit the link provided below, where you can explore a comprehensive collection of our content.